Went to a CVS that I have never been before in New Haven. It was very different than the Iowa City stores....different=bad. I had a lot of trouble finding almost everything on my list. Ben came with me since we had been running errands by car, and he was able to help me a bit. I am not planning on going to CVS this week or the next because of the very few items that I would get, it's not worth driving up to the bad part of New Haven to shop for so few things. In Iowa City, I would just plan the CVS trip around my walking trips to downtown.
Here is my paltry shopping trip from Saturday, July 24:
BOGOF=Buy One Get One Free
ECB=Extra Care Bucks
OOP=Out of Pocket
Brita pitcher filters (3 pack) $14.99
Celsius green tea (4 pack) $7.99
$0.99 ECB
$0.99 ECB
$1.00 ECB
$2.00 ECB
$2.99 ECB
$5.00 ECB (earned by taking an online survey)
Subtotal $10.01
Tax (6%) %0.39
Total $10.40 OOP
$7.99 ECB for Celsius green tea (made them free!)
$5.00 ECB for Brita filters
So essentially I made $2.59 on this trip.